What is hop.in?

hop.in is Efacec’s open innovation strategy and collaborative crowdsourcing platform, where technological challenges and opportunities within the community are shared. hop.in is Efacec’s commitment to collaboration and sustainability towards an empowered future – a platform fuelled by creativity and diversity.

Individually, we can dream with a better future. Together we have the power to build it. At hop.in, you are invited to address impactful challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and environment, to conjointly contribute to United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement.

Technology and Innovation have been forging Efacec’s DNA since 1948. Collaboration and Sustainability help to shape this identity, combining both Efacec’s and innovation ecosystem’s expertise.

And this is how hop.in is born.

Make yourself comfortable and join us in this journey.

At home or elsewhere, for us collaborative innovation has no boundaries. As so, we are also present and ready to challenge and be challenged at the project PITCCH, coordinated by the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), which promotes open innovation through a collaborative platform that aims to bring together large, medium and small companies and start-ups.

Efacec’s Smart Digital Transformer Management Solution was one of the seven challenges selected. This challenge has significant transformational power, with great impact on customers and on the entire organization, clearly contributing to the positioning of “One Efacec”.

Efacec was the only Portuguese company among the selected, thanks to the expertise and know-how of our teams. From Portugal to the world, our technology and innovation have no borders!

Challenge us

I’m ready!

Be challenged

I’m ready!

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